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Ellesmere Community Care Centre
League of Friends

Registered Charity Number 502007


The League Of Friends was formed in 1971 and raised funds to enable improvements to be made to the then Ellesmere Cottage Hospital including building extension work and the provision of equipment.


When the Cottage Hospital was closed by the NHS in 1990, the League of Friends set about initially raising £250,000 to purchase the building from the NHS.  Once the building had been purchased the League raised a further £450,000 to convert and expand the first floor into a registered nursing home.  During this period the League of Friends raised over £700,000  to provide and equip the nursing home for the people of Ellesmere.


In spite of further fundraising over subsequent years by the League of Friends the nursing home was unable to break even and eventually closed in 2017.


Although disrupted by Covid in 2020/21 the League of Friends Shop continues to flourish and raise funds for the Trust.

ECCCT League of Friends
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