As the custodian of the former Ellesmere Cottage Hospital building the fundamental priority for the Trust is to maintain the well being of that building. The building was constructed in 1906 and has an evocative and classical appearance, typical of local cottage hospitals of that period. A key objective for the Trust is to ensure that the character and ambiance of the building is retained, which is underscored by the fact that the building is located in a conservation area.
As the building is over 100 years old the Trust recognises that it needs to be in a position to undertake considerable potential maintenance and internal modernisation, with a view to ensuring that community use of the building can be maximised in a sustainable and resources efficient manner. In particular, a surveyors report on the building identified serious roof issues, which the Trust addressed by re-tiling much of the roof during 2022 .
From an environmental and flexibility perspective the Trust feels that in due course consideration should be given to the replacement of the existing gas boiler wet radiator heating system’
The Trust has discussed whether it would improve community use of the overall building if at some stage the first floor could be separately and directly accessed, without having to use the central staircase.
The Trust believes it is important to maintain close ongoing working relationships with both Bethphage and Churchmere, so that the Trust can take into account their developing aspirations with regard to making best use of the property.